How do we can help you ?
Domiciliation, like obtaining a registered office, is the first step in the creation of a company or association. The choice of the address of the registered office implies to take into account many strategic and logistic factors, therefore we come to detail for you the essential elements concerning the domiciliation.
Domiciliation of society and company
Management and optimization of companies
Relocation of offices and employees
Domiciliation of companies and corporations
Company domiciliation: mandatory? Domiciliation is imperative to be able to proceed with the creation and registration of a company. In order for the registration to be validated by the clerk’s office, it is necessary to provide evidence of the actual use of the registered office as a place of business.
For example, domiciliation of the registered office at the personal residence of the company director, certain documents (electricity bill, rent receipt, etc.) must be provided. As mentioned above, the address of domicile is the legal address of the company. This means that if a company domiciles its commercial company in Paris, it will have to pay the legal fees practiced in this city.
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For a modest company, these costs (lawyers’ fees, non-repeatable, costs…) can represent a considerable amount. How much do the sectors of a domiciliation company cost? Most of the time, domiciliation companies offer packages. Their cost depends on the place where you have to fix the address (Paris or province).
Also, it is more important if you choose to domicile your company in a prestigious location. Your legal status also has an influence on the price (it costs more to domicile a company than a micro-business). On average, it costs between 10 euros (excluding taxes) and 70 euros (excluding taxes) per month for a simple domiciliation.
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They’re mention us with their testimonials
Immediate appointment with a team responsive to our request for office space. Very satisfied with the renewal of our premises at the agency.

Cindy Jordiniande
I work as a freelance in sales and in the internet trade. I needed an office to differentiate private and personal life. I really recommend this agency.

Marissa Velondun
Following the friendly advice and recommendations, I contacted the agency to relocate our Lourdes office here in Tarbes, we are very happy about it.

Thierry Agonditon
Agency of travel
Our of expert and consulter team

Sophie Gadovanion

Laurent Harbonliet

Eric Foadanguon

Brigitte Nartendio
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